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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Michele Bachmann: “Anita Bryant is my sister!”

Rumor Slut has just learned the shocking news that Anita Bryant is the long, lost sister of fanatic right wing homophobe Michele Bachmann. Bachmann is a Congresswoman from Minnesota. She is currently on the rim of the political spotlight as a candidate for the U.S. Presidency.

“This explains SO much!” exclaimed Bachmann on a Fox News show. “I always liked that song Paper Roses, and now I know why.”

Bachmann’s gay hate platform is prominent on her campaign blog, and is only marginally out-hated by her predecessor Anita Bryant. Bryant made a name for herself in the 1970s selling Florida orange juice, and crusading against gay rights.

Bryant once said, "If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nail biters."

Based on that statement alone, we are compelled to admit there may be something to this news. We haven’t heard of a run on marriage licenses for St. Bernards, but we are pretty sure some nail biters are taking wedding vows.

Bryant was instrumental in a 1977 Florida law prohibiting the adoption of children by gay couples. Floridians remained afraid of gay people until November 25, 2008, when a Miami-Dade judge overturned the law, finding it “unconstitutional and irrational.”


Although we at Rumor Slut have never understood the bizarre fear of right wing conservatives to gay people, we do shed a sentimental tear for Bachmann and her older sister Anita, and this brings new color to the slogan, “The family that prays (away the gay) together, stays together.”

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